I came across a lamp one day,
And just knew it had a genie within:
It was gold
It had the right shape
And it had written upon it:
“Rub here to release genie.”
So I did.
With smoke and fog lights aplenty
A genie it did produce,
Who with a booming voice
Stated the obvious:
“One wish is now yours,
Choose wisely.”
“One wish?”
I ask
“Isn't it three?”
“The problem with you humans,”
The genie stated -
Looking down at me -
“Is when you are given something so spectacular,
All you do is whine it's not more.
Enjoy what you've got,
Be grateful for what you receive,
And make the dang wish.”
Upon hearing his words,
Striking so true,
I sat and thought.
And thought.
And thought.
And thought.
And thought.
And thought.
Oh I've got it!
Only forty-two hours later,
I approached the Genie
Who slept in his impatience.
Tapping his shoulder,
Clearing my throat,
I stated clearly:
I don't wish for fortune,
For then I would not know pride for what I've earned.
I don't wish for might,
Then I'd never know true strength: resisting weakness.
I don't wish for knowledge,
For then I'd have avoided the lessons behind it.
I don't wish for invisibility,
I'm not noticed enough as it is!
I don't wish to be able to fly,
I need to stay grounded.
All I can wish for is a life full of challenge,
To learn my lessons and to grow.
For life is not about getting what you want,
Or even getting what you need,
It's about working for them,
Earning them,
Then appreciating them.
So my wish is simply this: