Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Finding Myself

This concert, nay, these past few blog-free days have really taught me something. Man cannot live by computer alone! There is much more to it! Concerts, socializing, flirting with random girls, partying with random people, making friends by doing little more than screaming "YEAH!!!!!!" as a band starts a new song... THIS is life! This comraderie with new people, forming new bonds, THIS is what it's about!

We as people, even if we don't necessarily get sick of our current friends and loves, DO need to continue finding more. Failing to do so makes us feel that we CAN'T.

To mix with this socialization, there are two other basic needs: self-confidence and individualization. Both of these areas were lacking also. Self-confidence comes from success in individualization and socializing. So the question is, who is Charlie?

Charlie likes music, and games, and funny stuff. Is that it? Can I really be summed up in 8 words? Oh, add "and likes to be there for his friends" - that makes 16 words. Not even two sentences!

I grew up with games, and what scares me (you're the first to find this out, Blog) is that they AREN'T my destiny. Music makes me so much happier these days. I do think games are fun to make, but I don't know that I could make it my life, at least not entirely. Maybe this is a good thing - I'm not fully 2d. But in redoing my profiles, I find it hard to find a true "about me". I'm a casual game developer who loves music and silly stuff and my friends.

So here's a challenge for you, all of you who read this (two people?). Comment back, or message me on Myspace or Facebook or whatever, and tell me who YOU are. Not just what you do, or what you like, YOU. Be honest with yourself, what do YOU want to be, to do, what is a perfect day for you, what makes you smile, what makes you sad, what makes you laugh, what makes you melt deep inside, what do you stand for, who or what would you die for? WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT??? WHAT ARMY ARE YOU IN????? Who is your god - not like "Jesus Christ", someone you know, who you cherish and love and would do anything for. Do you have someone like that? Is your god YOU???? Would you do anything for yourself?? If anyone dares to do this, I will too, I'll make a new blog post for you to see.

Wow, I repeat myself a lot in my blog, don't I? Sorry, I do it for me, so I apologize to myself I guess>


O_o said...

you're right! computers are not evertyhing and nor should people treat them as such.

I will get to this expression of me...when I'm free.


O_o said...

i am a curious soul. sometimes my curiousity gets me in trouble. i've got secrets...secrets that I know will make others think less of me, which is why I chose not to reveal them. I want to be the coolest mom! I want to be the coolest woman. I want to be more knowledgeable about finances. I'm a sucker for love...forever a hopeless romantic. I want to be in a committed relationship with someone that I mesh well with and have great communication with. Romance makes me melt! I want to be healthy, emotinally physically, and mentally. The perfect day would be different depending on who I was spending it with. I'm great at planning and entertaining, so an event planner or a personal assistant is the perfect job for me!!! I would die for my girls! My god is everyone else. I'm always up for hanging out! I would like to be more focused and finish things I start.

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Wow Wanda, very passionate and deep!! And brave! So I said I would too... here goes...

I want to be a solid supporter for those I love. I want to be able to help those in need, and I want to cheer them up when they're sad. I want to be a game maker, or a musician (honestly I'm not sure which way anymore) or even a writer...

My perfect day is the first date. It begins hanging out with all kinds of friends, and spotting that special someone. The challenge, the back and forth battle of flirting and teasing... The pride in succeeding, since we as men are the ones who have to put it all out there and battle for your attention. That semi-awkward, elated feeling of someone as you don't know anything about them yet, and you've built them up to be perfection. "It's loud here, would you like to go somewhere more quiet?" Going on a date. A real date, something I've never truly done. Lingering well past when the bill comes, just talking and laughing, staring across the table at one another. A movie, oh a movie! That warmth of cuddling through a movie is so magical. Something girly (honestly!) because when a girl cries, and you're there to support her, there is NOTHING like it. Arm around her as she sobs into your shoulder, seeing just how sweet and sensitive she can be after what a tough front she just put up before when meeting her. Kissing the tears away. Fingertips flickering over, watching her eyes flutter as she giggles, ashamed of her tears, my finger shushing them... Don't be ashamed, dear, be proud that you can feel. Show me those feelings. Let them out, let me share them, I'll even cry with you, but my tears are of joy to have found you.

The movie ends, and once again we linger. Not even heading to the realms of dirtiness yet, just... hand in hand, fingers intertwined, the occassional chuckle and whisper as the armrests are lifted, her head to my chest. The end of the night comes, and we lose each other in the passion we have built through the day... A gentleman never tells! But in the afterglow... breath ragged, sighing, blankets our only cover, cuddled up together. Such beautiful eyes she has... Falling asleep together... Spooned tight

Sorry for the over-detail, I lost myself LOL. So moving on... What makes me smile? Laughing, knowing I can make others smile and laugh. The idea of the above coming true! Pride.

Sadness? Oh boy... random Manic Depression. Failure. Feeling useless. Loneliness. Frustration. I don't really get MAD, so instead I get sad.

I LAUGH AT EVERYTHING!!! LOL But what really makes me laugh hard? Get lost? That build up that friends can share; it starts as one stupid comment, and you roll with it until it grows into this massive joke.

I melt at romance these days. Somehow losing my wife brought romance to the forefront of my mind. All those little things... All the stuff I described up there LOL. I also melt when someone compliments me, calls me a sweet name... I know it's not meant romantically, but it's still such a sweet feeling to be appreciated or wanted in any way. "Angel" comes to mind pretty much instantly.

These days I stand for independence and individuality. BE YOURSELF!! NEVER BE ASHAMED OF YOU!!! You are special, you are an incredible person, and I don't care WHO you are, someone will love the living hell out of you as you are! Never give up on YOU. Never give up on life.

I don't know that I'd die for anything. I cannot do any good for anyone or anything if I myself am dead.

I'm passionate about my friends. The closer you let me get, the more we talk, the more passionate I will be. Not even necessarily romantically (since it happens with guys too LOL) but the more close i get, the more I'd fight for them. That's MY girl/guy, step off (again NOT romantically, being straight and all!). Fuck with them, fuck with me!

My army is, again, my friends. We are unified in our love for one another. An effective army unit is tough when necessary, and always sticks together. NEVER LEAVE ANYONE BEHIND!!!

My god? Joy. Once more, my friends. I look up to and envy things about each and every one of them, they're all amazing people. I wouldn't be friends with someone not special in some way. In a way I'm my own god too, yes, but I do not worship that god at all, nowhere near as much as one should even.

No, I wouldn't do ANYTHING for myself. I am not that dedicated. I try to be, like this diet stuff, like saving money, but gluttony gives way.