Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Oh, Silly Me!

... I forgot the biggest rule of bad days is that it take bad days before you get good days! Now, at the risk of jinxing the night, today has gone very smoothly, and best of all, I'm off tomorrow!

To add, I will be working further on CtC tonight and tomorrow. I've said it before, but the game is getting close to demo completion! It's actually rather possible that it will be ready by the end of Q1 (end of March) still, despite all the things that have happened this last month.

ALSO, I AM STILL LOOKING FOR VOICE ACTORS/ACTRESSES!! I do not have money to pay, but you will earn eternal gratitude and I will get you ny kind of reimbursement I can. If you're interested, please let me know. And this goes for kids too (with parent's permission of course), critters are like cartoons and have goofy voices!


O_o said...

i'm up for loaning my voice.

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Are you serious, you would? That would be so awesome! I don't even remember what you sound like, honestly, but I do remember thinking it was a wonderful voice. Too cool :)

O_o said...

yeah...most definately. BUT I would like to be reimbursed with infinate huggles for the rest of my life.

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Removed the previous comment because of a typo. Here it is fixed:

hahaha, nice! Deal, since that also gives me an excuse to give them to you :)