Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Return to Glory

So, I have done some soul searching today at work, and realized that while my humor has remained intact, a LOT of the things about me that really made me me have either vanished or degraded, and there are some things I have always wanted to change about myself, even from back then. I'm going to, therefore, work on fixing all of these things.

What are these things? Well, primarily for my sake (but you curious people may want to know too!), I am going to list them all, and more importantly, I'm going to list how they'll get fixed!

1) Confidence
I used to be very confident, almost overly so. These days, my confidence is rather crushed, which you can tell from this blog even! Those days are over: from now on, even if it's jokingly, I will be confident about everything! If you catch me not being confident, let me know!

2) Body
While I have lost quite a lot of weight from the old days (I was at least 350 lbs!), I am still not yet an adonis (confidence there, see, I said YET). To combat this, I am going to be looking into gym memberships, cutting out fast food (or, since we go often at work, ordering healthier things) and non-diet sodas and drinking more water.

3) Procrastination
One of my biggest problems is that I never actually DO anything, I simply put it off until later. This is why the CtC demo isn't done yet! I will from here on stop wasting so much time on the things that don't matter so much (reloading email a million times waiting for messages from people, watching TV and so on). I have discovered blogging is a wonderful way to gather and track ideas, so I will not stop this, but other priorities will be listed in my google calendar, and I WILL STICK TO IT!

4) Being Me
I am what I like to refer to as a "social chameleon." If someone else has patented that without me knowing, I apologize, but it's mine! Anyway, it basically means that whoever I'm around, I become similar to them. Like sports? So do I! Rap star? I'm down with that shiznit! You hate video games? Well, I like em, but they ARE for kids... NO MORE!! This is how relationships fail, be it friends, lovers, significant others, etc. I am me, take it or leave it.

5) Standing Up for Myself
This goes with the confidence thing, as well as the "Being Me" thing. I never, ever, EVER stand up for myself or my beliefs, EVER. That's over too though, bwahahaha! I'm not gonna be some rude asshole, and I'm not going to force my beliefs on others, but I will not hide them or my opinions if asked.

6) Sense of Style
God, I may be effeminate in my feelings, listening to what people say (genuinely!) and whatnot, but I do NOT have ANY sense of style. Hair? Keep it out of my eyes. Clothes? What's Clean? Facial Hair? If there's a boss coming, I shave, otherwise who cares? Now this one I'm not sure how to fix... I think I'll ask for your help though! I will take some pictures of myself and post them in another blog post soon(that's NOT procrastinating, my camera phone doesn't take pics when it's this dark, and I'm going to be busy ALL day Sunday and Monday), perhaps you will have some ideas? I'm also going to buy a trimmer and let my beard grow in some, then shave off parts at a time, taking pictures as I go, then shaving more until clean shaven, so I/we can figure out what works!

So, there you have it! Six ways that Charlie will return to power, to morph into Chuck. It's not overnight, mind you (damn that'd be awesome though!), but these changes WILL be made. I will no longer be just a funny boy, I'll be a funny, handsome, powerful, confident man. Body, mind and soul.


O_o said...

DANG! that's about all I got for now. I'll probably post some more reaction tomorrow.
but ::huggles:: and I'm happy for you!

Wanda Mae

Anonymous said...

wow Charlie! let me know how it goes okay? ill give you a good kick if you arent confident, k? i know you can do it and hey, youre a bit of an adonis as you are :-)