Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Friday, June 27, 2008

PaD (3) 16 - Baked

Okay, so somehow I was retarded and didn't post this here. Sorry!

A square block of clay, everyone has their own say
Possibility concealed, soon to be revealed.
Cold against skin, not knowing where to begin,
Thrilled, but unskilled, but it seems these others are...

They sure seem nice, so you ask for advice,
They seem so sure, feeling secure, assured
As they tell you how to shape the clay.

Unquestioning the suggesting, following their every word,
Becoming adept yet feeling inept, your own thoughts never heard
Perspiring, desiring it to be the shape you want it to be

Until one day you realize, to your surprise
You are the clay, and to your dismay
While you've been toiling, the oven of life's been slowly broiling,
Hardening the clay into a lump, a shapeless clump
Shaped by everyone but you.

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