Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

PaD 56/365: The Cave

Argh at the internet sometimes!!! So I wasn't able to post this last night (two times out of three that I didn't actually post it on the right day?? ARGH!).

So here it is!


I know this must end sometime,

Yet this darkness...

Who knew it could hurt so much.

It's just light, right?

I've been down here so long

You'd think I would be used to it,

No longer longing for the glow of light...

To see color once more...

To feel a breeze...

Smell grass...

NO! I will make it,

I WILL escape.

The light of my torch dances,

I'm scared of my own shadow these days.

I swear the walls are getting smaller too,

Fingertips trailing every bump,

Callused, raw from the journey,

Not unlike my feet.

How long has it been?

I want out,

But I don't even think there IS an exit anymore.

Is it possible when I wandered in,

Walking deeper, deeper, deeper

That the exit vanished behind me?

Sitting upon the floor,

Giving up again.


No... No way out.

I am resigned to this forever.

But it's not that bad, right?

Make the best of it...

And right as I think those thoughts

My torch dies.

My only friend here,

Through all these months...

Although I suppose I should be happy it lasted this long...

Oh darkness, I greet you wi...


My torch has gone out, yet...


Hardly even noticable, yet...

A speck of light, I see it.

Like a broken pixel,

So minute,

If not here so long, I'd have not even noticed...

But light means...

Can it be?

An actual way out of here?

Feet beat the ground,

I fall, bruised, battered,

I don't care now...

I will get to that light.


O_o said...

this poem definately envoked EMOTION in me!

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

WOOHOO!!!! That means muchly to me :)