Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

PaD 64/365: The Pirate and I

So... This one was a great challenge because I used 44 rhymes, with EVERY line rhyming with every other and not repeating a single one (except the title and one line). Gotta love!!!!!


I sit here, staring at the sky:

Cold, rainy, bitter, grey, just... awry.

The sun has gone, without so much as a “goodbye...”

Then, down I did decide to lie,

Into my randomly found crystal ball I did scry

(Did I not mention my powers of psi?)

A pirate, eyepatch ever present, who most angrily said “aye!”

I sat up, and in my shaky voice, most shy,

Gathered the courage to simply say.... “hi?”

He said he was one who had to euphemistically fry

For the mutiny upon the H.M.S. Bounty, captained by William Bligh.

He angrily walked over and grabbed my pie,

Followed by my loaf of bread... I think it was rye?

With his huge hands, like a crowbar he did pry.

Speaking of, I sure couldn't deny,

That this dude was huge, just check out that thigh!

T'was bigger than 15 times, in inches, the value of pi.

He opened his mouth and in a voice most sly,

Said, “Argh! With my brass telescope, I did spy,

A young man, upon other's opinions he did rely,

And I just simply refuse to understand why.

So I ensured that my sails were thoroughly tied,

Came here, jumped off my boat with a call of 'bonsai!'

To find you here, and your beliefs I must belie.

You see, in the cargo hold of your soul you do supply

Unlimited joy and smiles. So yarr! My lessons you must apply!

So then, scurvy dog, why not give this day a retry?”

It was then that I had to reply...

So I stood up and with a sigh

Screamed out, “Look here, rainy day in July,

The only one who can ruin this day is I!

I'm sorry to say that, although you did try,

I don't care if I'm never again dry,

You will never, ever get my

Day; I'll let my spirits fly,

And only in joy shall I ever cry,

Because my love and happiness you just can't buy.”

It's all thanks to you, my head is held high.

You, who sees me in pain and gives me this smile most cutely wry,

You showed me that while darkness is nigh,

There's always a gleam of light to help me defy;

That “the sun cannot possibly die

Unless you give up hope on it, guy.”

Oh, and I also had help from the pirate with one eye.