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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

PaD 60/365: Sapphic (semi-explicit)

60th PaD??? DANG! About 1/6 of the way there, wow that's scary! So... I had this write done as an explanation of why men love lesbians... As such, I took a woman's point of view, as to use a man's would be insulting to the subject matter to some extent at least.



What a party it is, we both laugh in glee,

With so many hilarious, dumbass people to see:

Some guys hit on the ladies, failing miserably,

While other folks throw up; gross, don't you agree?

And oh my God, just check out Marie,

She's flashing half the room, a slut I decree!

The inevitable time comes, time for truth or dare,

I just shrug my shoulders, “Yeah I'll play, I don't care.”

We each sit in the circle, I in a nice, comfy chair,

Legs crossed, though, don't want to show my underwear.

Predictable dares, lame truths... This has got to go somewhere!

Upon my turn I choose dare and get: “For 5 seconds, kiss Claire.”

God, what a surprise, such an obvious cliché...

I laugh and refuse, “No way” is what I say,

Either fail the dare, chicken, or do it without delay.”

I inch closer, nerves on end, grossed out cause I'm not gay,

But I am no chicken, so I dare not say “nay.”

Inching closer, I learn toward her and much to my dismay...

My lips meet hers... Soft... Sweet.

Repulsion giving way to curiosity...

Tick... tick... eyes closing, sigh...

His voice a distant echo as our lips part,

Her eyes glow... Lovely sapphire.

Is she smiling at me?

Time's up, well done ladies,” he says with a smile

While Claire and I part, after far too short a while...

My first girl kiss having been a glorious trial,

Formerly just some asshole, now I guess I'll have to thank Kyle...

The party ends shortly after when it starts to get hostile,

Claire comes up to me: “Walk me home? It's only a mile.”

Her ride had left early without even a word

And she was scared to walk alone, so to her house we spurred.

You know, Claire, this may sound absurd,

Especially since I am just a shy nerd,

But to me, it had simply never occurred

That a girl's kiss could be something I preferred.”

It's not absurd at all, and I shall never debate

That our kiss was anything shy of great.

I'd always wanted to, but I had feared your hate,

For while I am gay, I knew you to be straight.

We have been friends so long, perhaps it was fate,

For I have, for a while, considered you my soul mate...”

Her blush, the most beautiful shade of crimson...

Soft smile... So gorgeous... So...

Thought broken as her lips find mine once more,

But now, not ashamed... Giving in fully.

Oh Claire,” I sigh... Heaven fulfilled...

She is quickly pushed against her own door,

My lips upon every inch of the swells and curves of her face...

So sweet... So soft... So lovely... So... Claire...

Driven on by her moans, “Oh Sarah!”

Her door quickly unlocked, stumbling inside

Taken by the hand, her soft fingers and giggles my guide...

We're to her room in just moments, but to me

Those few moments lasted easily an eternity.

Any other time I'd object to such haste,

But tonight... God, there's no time to waste!

Immediately we're on each other again,

Her lips now pressed into mine...

Forceful, yet that tenderness remains...

Red lipstick leaving it's crimson marks upon pale flesh

I need more!

Pushing her onto the bed,

Stripping one another forcefully,

A sea of hands all powerful...

Buttons flying,

Clothes dropping,

Hands roaming,



One dare, one silly, cliched dare... What a start...

Turned to living, breathing, passionate art.

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