Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Two PaD: Rock On World and Dude Poet

So, o nce more, I messed up. posted Rock On World over on the wrong blog.... Ugh. But here they are!

ROCK ON WORLD (from 5/23)

When you hear “Rock”,

You probably think of awesome music.

Or perhaps even actual rocks... Boulders?

And if you were to hit up the dictionary,

You may also think of rock candy, rocking in a chair, diamonds or crack.

But what Rock really is....

It's not just music, or bands;

It's not just drugs, gemstones or chillin' in a rocking chair,

And it's CERTAINLY not just mineral matter or candy.

Rock is a way of life!

Anyone can live life, rockers kick life's ass.

Go above and beyond, have confidence!

Show your skills at every given opportunity;

It's not just music, but anything at all.

Even an accountant can rock those digits, balance that ledger!

Programmers too: debug that bitch, gotta love a big back end, right?

Custodial engineers can twirl those mops, cock that cleaner like you mean it!

Burger flipper? Bun catch, mid air, bad ass!

Chauffeur?? Dude, I don't need to say a word....

So come on, fellow humanity,

Let's not leave the rockin' to the bands alone,

Rock every day of your life, make it your own!


DUDE POET (5/24)

Yep, this is a poem,

Yeah, that'll show em.

Cause I'm a dude but I write it still,

Always have, and always will.

No wait... I haven't always, I lied,

I'm still very new, not that I can hide

My newnicity at writing random crap

Upon this laptop, which is on my lap.

But back to my point, so yeah I'm a dude,

Who writes every day about my current mood,

And I even have feelings, just imagine that!

A guy who shows emotion? What's all the commotion?

No, genitalia does not overpower emotion!

So I'll write and write and write some more,

And since writing can be anything, I swear I'll never be bore...d.

That's the end, there is nothing else left in store,

And it's not like the movies where after the credits there may be more,

It's just a poem, and it's not like I used invisible ink,

Although if you read it backwards, it has something about Satan, I think.

Oh, and if you play the Wizard of Oz and read it along

The words match the movie perfectly, even all the songs!

So..... Yeah.....

Damn rhyme scheme.... Baaaah?

1 comment:

O_o said...

ha ha ha....its so you!