Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

PaD 37/365: Regurgiation of Factualization

Soapbox time! Passion of hatred follows.



I used to have a name,

Nay, I used to have three:

a) Charles

b) Derek

c) Jackson

What is your scantron choice?

Fill in the fucking circle

Using your number two pencil

There's plenty of number two around if you run out.

If you must erase,

Then just give up, you're a loser anyway.

Odd choice of words, that was your choice.




Fuck up.

That's me.

Because I don't conform?

Because I question?

Because I refuse

To be



But my future depends on this,

On regurgitation of factualization,

Not knowledge.

But I digress

This isn't an essay

It's a multiple choice

Where no answer is right

One is just “most right.”

Is that the real meaning?

In life, you're never right,

Just “most right?”

Just fill in the damn circle.

Time is running out.

Now regurgitate.

I came here as a boy

To leave as a man

But now I am neither.

Your words, castration.

I am neutered,

I am robot,

I am student.

Tax dollars hard at work.

When I leave here

I will work.

I will earn money.

I will pay taxes.

Then my own children

Will grow and enter these halls

On my tax dollar

To regurgitate

The regurgitation

Of factualization.


O_o said...

::sighs:: I love it!

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Thank you so much :) I was really letting off some steam!