Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

PaD (3) 21: POW!!!

Life is a kung-fu movie,
The kind with one hero against a thousand foes.
But I've got you to cover my back.

Usually they come at us one at a time,
A long chain wears us out, but we can make it,
Taking them out one by one by one.

Sometimes a whole bunch attack,
Punches, kicks, being thrown all around,
And it seems like we won't survive...

But we always do,
Just like in those movies,
We may get knocked down, bloodied and beaten,
We may get thrashed and look like we're done
But we never are.

It's you and me against infinity,
But you know what?
If you ask me, the war is already won
Because I've got you by my side.

Monday, June 30, 2008

PaD (3) 20: Filler

This is where the poem goes if the words were there
But sometimes life is outside the grasp of words.
Then what?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

PaD (3) 19 - Math 101

It's just so great to see how we came to be.

I often sit here, pondering
How A led to B led to C led to D led to E....
Through to you + me.

So my mind goes wandering
To the days when you were just a friend,
And a moment without you wasn't the end.

But as I write, searching
Through poem comments and my inbox,
I smile...

Suddenly it doesn't matter...
U and I aren't simple variables,
And no rule of mathematics can make them work,
But nothing on earth can make them not.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

PaD (3) 18 - Palindroooooooome!

Really?? You mean it's the real deal?
Like... I mean... FOR REAL?
Because, you see...
It just can't be...
That's just... well... Surreal.

I mean, yeah, I'm not gonna lie,
It's SO what I wanted! And that's why
Even though you say
It's truly that way
It's too good to be true, I just can't deny...

How did I happen upon one so great?
It's way beyond luck, must have been fate,
Too much fell in place
Like a smack in the face
I'd be a retard not to realize you're my soul mate.

And I'll never know just what I've done...
Was it the silly poems or cheesy puns?
No matter what it was,
It really doesn't matter, cause...
Baby... You are so definitely the one.

See, even now you've got me all crazy,
Writing this poem while being so lazy,
Gotta crack out RhymeZone
Too tired to do it alone
And besides, you make my brain all mushy and hazy.

Friday, June 27, 2008

PaD (3) 17 - The Isles Ch. 6 - The God of Elysia (Haiku Series)

My crafted world
Trees, birds, animals, people...
My words brought to life.

With ev'ry smile,
I am proud, success attained...
In my Elysia.

But wait, what is this?
My world, it's not perfect!
What are these islands?

One ring was to join,
A land mass to unite them.
Instead four islands lie.

Islands segregate...
Diff'rent ideals confined,
Perfection denied.

But no, I am God,
This world isn't perfect,
But it is my world.

PaD (3) 16 - Baked

Okay, so somehow I was retarded and didn't post this here. Sorry!

A square block of clay, everyone has their own say
Possibility concealed, soon to be revealed.
Cold against skin, not knowing where to begin,
Thrilled, but unskilled, but it seems these others are...

They sure seem nice, so you ask for advice,
They seem so sure, feeling secure, assured
As they tell you how to shape the clay.

Unquestioning the suggesting, following their every word,
Becoming adept yet feeling inept, your own thoughts never heard
Perspiring, desiring it to be the shape you want it to be

Until one day you realize, to your surprise
You are the clay, and to your dismay
While you've been toiling, the oven of life's been slowly broiling,
Hardening the clay into a lump, a shapeless clump
Shaped by everyone but you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PaD (3) 15.5: The Isles Ch. 5 - The Portal

This portal be leading through time and space,
It leaves this world for another place.
Have ye fun, argh, and hop inside,
Trust me, matey, you'll enjoy the ride.”

The pirate smiled and laughed his laugh,
Boisterous, like a pirate Santa,
Laughing “har har har” instead of “ho ho ho.”

Then suddenly....

This feeling rushed over me
Hairs on my neck not just standing,
But doing a most complex tango.
Goosebumps begetting goslingbumps.
Heart beating as though my ribs would soon snap,

Yet all the while this warmth engulfed me...
Now I know there's no light at the end of the tunnel;
Who wants blinding, radiant light
When this gentle, inviting warmth can lead you instead?

The air itself tingled,
As if each molecule were a tiny finger,
Gently massaging, urging onward, never pushing,
Encouraging following the wild colors.

Tacky turquoises, mustard yellows, ketchup reds...
It wasn't as though I could see it in the distance
It was as if even the atoms were tie dyed,
A comic strip illustrator who had snapped and gone mad,
Then pasted my pale-fleshed self upon it.

Here it comes.....

PaD (3) 15: Guitar Zero

It's just a game, just code and graphics
Just a plastic guitar with some buttons and wires,
Then how is it so good at degrading me?

I'm not saying I can't hit the buttons well!
Hell, I can five star nearly everything...
On medium.

But dude, there are videos of kids,
KIDS, man!
They're playing this at 9 or 10,
On the hardest of all songs
On the hardest of all settings
And they're kicking ass!

If a 10 year old, with his shorter, weaker fingers
Can whoop my butt, an adult of 26...

What is it that's wrong with me?
Will I ever be good enough?
Will others forever kick my rear?
Should I give up?
For a game called Guitar Hero
You sure make a lot of us feel like Guitar Zeroes....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

PaD (3) 14.5: The Grass

I always used to sit, marveling at the grass...

It always bends, no matter what direction the wind blows,
And when trampled, it simply springs right back up.
Even when cut, it grows and grows right back.

I used to sit and smile.
I was like that grass.
Always bending, never breaking and always springing right back.

Now I'm more like a slinky.

PaD (3) 14: Sometimes

Sometimes we get an idea
Sometimes we can't get it out of our heads
Sometimes we write it down and sleep on it
Sometimes we awake still just as excited
Sometimes it's an idea that can change the world
Sometimes it's one that will just change ours
Sometimes we get so dedicated that nothing else matters
Sometimes we go to work at it so hard
Sometimes it works and we are so proud

Sometimes we can't
Sometimes we won't
Sometimes our “idea” no matter how great
Sometimes it doesn't matter
Sometimes we already have something much better
Sometimes it's a person
Sometimes that person can never be trumped
Sometimes that person is everything

But EVERY time that person is you.
EVERY time anything crosses my mind
EVERY time it can cut away from you even a moment
EVERY time I turn it down
EVERY time I'd rather have you
EVERY text
EVERY email
EVERY call
EVERY moment

Monday, June 23, 2008

PaD (3) 13: Your Seat

A little break from the story today cause I am massively brain fried and the upcoming two poems (yep, must be done as a set of two separate poems!) are MAJORLY important ones... so for tonight...

Your seat may sometimes seem taken,
But it is always available,
Just ask nicely,
Or smile,
Or exhale and it's all yours.

Come on, take your seat,
It's ready for you,
It misses you
Almost as much as I do.

Pat pat...
Hi you.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

PaD (3) 12: The Isles Ch. 4 - Wish Granted

*deep breath*




Okay, Jonathan, maybe I should take this one...

With calluses upon his fingertips,

Raw, blistered, numbed, trembling,

Fighting to hold onto the papers within his hands,

Excitement and a boatload of caffeine the only things keeping him awake.

Compass glistening with sweat,

Slippery, needle dancing every which way.

Fingers rubbing frantically as the split pea soup smoke once again emerged...

Argh!” The pirate said, “Finally done, then?

You had me wait two days, I'm not going to wait again.”

Relax, pushy pirate, yes I'm all set,

But don't get all angry, I'm the master, don't forget.

My wish is right here, on these pages in my hands,

Take them, my perfectly well-crafted plans.”

As the papers floated from trembling digits

The poet nearly fell, their weight suddenly gone.

Argh! How you wrote this in two days I can't possibly comprehend,

For it'd take three weeks for mortal man to read from beginning to end.

Lucky for you, lawyers are quick readers of every wish made,

I hope there be no mistakes, for if so, I'd be very afraid...”

And a moment after the pages vanished,

A swirling rainbow of a portal appeared...

The black center beckoning.

Just enter right here, yer wish be inside,

Hang on tight, argh, and enjoy the ride.”

Saturday, June 21, 2008

PaD (3) 11: The Isles Ch. 3 - One Eyed Wish Master

The thin, golden metal glistened,
Probably not actually gold, maybe tin or copper, whatever,
As the full-of-himself poet brushed away the sand.

A smoke... Green, thick,
Like a cloud dipped in split pea soup for dye
Emerged from the spout with a laugh.

The fellow stood, beard pure white,
Typical parrot on his shoulder, bandanna and eye patch,
As the smoke kept grip on his peg leg.

Ha ha ha, a genie I be,
And I grant you wishes... One, two, three!”
The voice bellowed in sing-songy rhyme,
Yet echoing even over the sound of crashing waves.

You speak and look as though a pirate, fellow,
And why must you so loudly bellow?”
The poet, who I shall now refer to by name -
Jonathan - rather than adjectives followed by “poet.”

Damn you, odd genie, look what you've done,
Now even I rhyme, this is far from fun.
And what is it with your pirateness?
I thought genies were purple and weird lookin', more or less...”

Fer a poet, yer mind be closed,
But, so be it, to the question ye has posed,
I was once a pirate, tis entirely true,
But one day as I sailed the seas of violent blue
We found a treasure – a lamp, shiny and tin.
And aaarrrrgh! I know, 'twas quite a sin,
But I snuck it in me pantaloons and when reaching shore,
I withdrew to me room to polish it. Aye, to sell it for more.
But when I did, a purple beast as you described appeared.
I drew my scimitar, yet still it came near.
It offered three wishes, 'Choose wisely' it said.
I used one for wealth, one for women and one to never be dead,
It laughed, saying 'Your wish is my command,
You'll get each one, but at your master's demand.'
So I be sealed in this compass for all of time,
And, ARGH!!!! Forced to speak in couplet rhyme.”

He took a deep breath,
His story complete, yet he had nearly forgotten to add...

I must say, matey, the wish fulfillment be not up to me,
So choose wisely, John, your wishes, all three.”

While John - Errr... Jonathan, sorry! - was raging,
His name violated, shortened to “common” form,
His mind creaked once more,
The gears within clack, clack, clackity-clacking,
As his vision unfolded.

Give me some time, pirate genie, please understand
I wish for but only one wish, though grand.”
And as the pirate nodded, a simple, sullen “Argh” escaping his lips,
He retreated, green mist pulled into the lamp,
And Jonathan, the clearly insane poet
Retreated to his home,
Staring at his computer screen,
Word document teasing him...
Fingers tap, tap, tappity-tapping...

Friday, June 20, 2008

PaD (3) 10: The Isles Ch. 2 - The Poet

Fingers tap, tap, tappity-tap,
I try to write,
Think, think, think,
Yet no words come.
Chug, chug, chuging my soda
Teeth rotting, but nothing...

I don't understand,
I've been given the gift of word assembly!
Master of putting words together in the best of ways,
Yet so often I am stuck sitting here,
Blaze in my mind
Scorching through fingertips
For this world, so fortunate to read it.

Oh, the sea....

Azure waves,
Living, breathing as they caress the sand,
Nature's way of reminding us that all we need,
All we could ever possibly want,
We can find right here without the televisions
The mp3 players
The computers
The cars
The games
The internet
The movies
The action figures...
Even the ones to 1/16 scale of lesser known but awesome characters.

The words are forgotten
As stiff fingers are enveloped by cool, flowing sand,
Hands digging, searching...
I have always felt this urge.
This urge to search the sand,
Dig, seek out something, anything...

And now I know why....

Buried no more,
I have discovered you,
You are mine and mine alone.
My precious...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

PaD (3) 9: The Isles Ch. 1 - Introduction

I am a poet, my name inconsequential,
And I welcome you to my tale.
I have scribed the happenings of the Isles,
All to poem form, no less, pretty nifty huh?
The tale begins with a fellow poet,
Lonely.... And touched by fate.
So come along with me,
And you shall see,
The story of a world gone wrong.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PaD (3) 8: March On

I know it's not always easy,
I know it gets tough,
I know it sometimes seems like it's just never gonna get any better at all,
But it will.
It always does.
Life is challenging, sure,
But it only gives us what we can handle.

It's true what they say,
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger,
But if we don't keep pushing, we get weaker all over again.
So march on,
March on forever,
And when the drummer speeds up to unbearable speeds,
Just plug your ears,
Hum your own beat and march on,
March on...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

PaD (3) 7: Given

I used to look around,
Check out all the girls, fantasize,
But now there's no need to talk about them,
I talk enough to annoy anyone about this great girl I've got now.

I give myself to you,
I'm not whipped, not taken, not claimed,
But I'm all yours nonetheless, no way to argue,
Forever, every bit of me, and I've been around long enough to know what that means.

I know you know this, though,
Cause I've got you on my desktop and my cell,
I text you, IM you, write about you and call you constantly,
Never forced, always just me, always done out of sheer need to have you.

I am here, for you, with you.
I am not going anywhere,
At least not without you by my side
With my arm around your waist and our sides squeezed together.

Just remember, I'm given to you,
My thoughts, my words and my actions,
And I'm never going to be at ease
Until we are forever united, in one another's arms... At home.

Monday, June 16, 2008

PaD (3) 6: MINE

I know you want her,
You'd be a moron not to.
But too bad, sucker...
She's MINE.

I used to find that offensive,
Come on, how do you claim a human as your own?

I TOTALLY get it now...

So I mean no offense, no insult, no condescending when I say...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

PaD (3) 5: Misguided Anger

There once was a man who was caught cheating on his wife,
And so, in her rage, she grabbed a butcher knife.
But she didn't go after him, no siree Bob!
It was the woman, she believed, who needed the knife job.

"Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was married!" she screamed,
"Breaking up a marriage, helping a man cheat, I'd have never dreamed..."

"Liar! Whore! Bitch!" the wife screamed with rage, knife clenched tight,
"Next you'll tell me it wasn't what it seemed, I shouldn't trust my sight."

"Not at all," the woman said, trembling, sweat dripping from her brow.
"Please, tell her how you told me you were single! Please! Now!"

He saw his wife, ready to kill and said "Babe, she's lying, she totally knew,
But she seduced me, I was helpless, you know I only love you."

The woman's heart dropped.... And before his wife even moved the knife,
The woman said, voice harsh, "I'm already dead then, do take my life.
Your husband told me he was single, and we began to date,
A few weeks later he told me he loved me, yet now I feel only hate,
For he told me of wonderful dreams of a house, car and kids,
Yet now I see them for what they truly were, harsh, cold fibs.
So go ahead and kill me, strike true, destroy these lies,
For a life without his love will simply never be enough." As tears fell from her eyes.

The husband, the cheater, the liar, the bastard stepped in,
"Now honey, I know that this woman committed such a terrible sin...
But I need you too badly for you to be sent to jail,
Where you'd be someone's bitch, not even a male's...
And although conjugal visits would be really really hot
After you being manhandled by a hot lesbian cellmate a whole lot,
Shes just a stupid girl, so please put the knife down,
Cause she's just not worth it, ha ha look at her frown!"

The woman ran from the house as she cried and cried,
And mere months later found the love of her life, although she hadn't even tried.
They lived a life together happier than either could ever have imagined,
And she felt forever forgiven, as her new hubby showed her how she hadn't even sinned.

But what about the liar, the bastard, the coldhearted cheat?
Well, he made passes at damn near every girl he did meet!
And every time his wife caught him it was always the same,
She was mad at the innocent girl, not the man who couldn't keep his parts tame.

The moral of the story?

If your man, or woman, is cheating on you
Then boot them out of your life with your sharpest, heaviest shoe
For a liar and cheater knows exactly what they do,
WHO they do, and obviously don't care about you.
Don't take your anger out on who it is they've done it with, no way!
For its your guy, or your gal, who's gotta hit the highway.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

PaD (3) 4: Hope

Some say that hope is for fools and the weak,
That we cling to small shimmers of light in a world of darkness.

Some say that love is just misery and woe,
That we are doomed to repeated heartbreak, lies and pain.

Some say that happiness is dead, decayed, gone...
To rise from the ashes for mere moments before once more fading.

Some say that life has, does and always will suck,
That we must cling to the few good moments afloat in a sea of crap.


Life is a gift, one most precious and grand,
It's the bad, not the good, that are so rare.

And I know you may think your life is horrid despair,
I'm not saying adversity is a lie.

But if we throw in the towel and simply accept life as a lost cause,
Then it is our own cause that is lost.

And love, oh sweet love, our second greatest gift,
To feel pain only when we smile, for those muscles are so overused;
To be oneself fully, yet somehow be loved for every bit of it,
To think of only one whenever we wake, shop, eat, drink, drive, walk, work, talk, go online, smile, laugh, watch tv, cook, sleep, rock, relax, breathe....

And hope... Hope, hope, hope...
Hope is not blind faith or a plan Z,
It is a sense that not only is all not lost,
We will survive,
We will thrive,
We will succeed,
We will kick ass, indeed.

So you can't give up, you can't give in,
Giving up on the gift of life is the greatest of all sins...

Friday, June 13, 2008

PaD (3) 3: Phonus Interruptus

I sit here and write of things most sincere...
Pffft, yeah right, I just ramble on silly topics.

But anyway.....

Tonight I write of the most important things:
Love, joy, dedication and humor all in one
And here goes....

In a world of distrust and lies and stupid games,
All we have to do is be honest, come on!
And here's how...

Oh wait, gotta call my Angel, I'll get back to ya!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

PaD (3) 2: The Best Things in Life are Freeish

There are some who say the best things in life are free:

The touch of one you love,

The smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven,

The sound of the waves at sea.

As with all things in life, others disagree,

And not just cause life is all about weird, random arguments,

But because it's true, the best things in life AREN'T free

And I'm going to show you how, ladies and gents...

You see, the best things in life aren't free,

They're freeish.

Those waves are heaven, that's most definitely true,

But it takes gas to get there, and dude, that's a LOT!

Sure, cinnamon rolls cookin is scrum-diddily-umptuous,

But you need electric or gas, and a pan, and something to contain said electric or gas, and plates or paper towels to put them on, oh and of course the rolls themselves. Whew!

And love.... Oh love, free? Pfffft...

Maybe for those lucky enough to live in the same state.

But you know what?

They're called the BEST things in life for a reason.

And anyone who's had even the slightest taste

Of happiness like this, dude it'd be such a waste

To let it go for any reason at all.

I'd spend every penny and minute of my life

To chase that particular one,

The greatest of greatest things in life,

And I won't rest until it's done,

Cause dude, it's so worth it!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

PaD (3) 1: Now Hear This!

Dang did I fail the last PaD quickly! Well, internet is back pretty darn well and so here I go again! Not giving this challenge up :)

Today's PaD is about how people force rhyme and flow into poetry and kill the message. As such, it is TOTALLY un-flow-y and un-rhyme-y for a reason other than laziness!


Dude, these poems are so unnatural,
Words that are sticky, stumbly stairways of speech,
...... Yeah, like that!
And it is in the spirit of realization that I write this... write.

Why do we sit here, with such an important message in our heads,
Then go to some SQL database of rhymes,
Forcing sentences that rhyme to and do and you and shoe and threw and flew and crew,
Until we're left with something cold, with words using 30 syllables?
And sure it's technically awesome, hell the more obtuse the more can be read into it, right?
But our message is lost... And so is our voice.

Don't be that dude, unless that dude is you.
If you've got a message, just spit it out!
Like this poem for example...
If you didn't get what it's about...
Then... Geez, come on!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

PaD (2) 2: Battle Cry

Some days it's hard to get out of bed.
Some days it's hard to put on the battle gear.
Some days your sword is far too difficult to lift.
Some days white flags are even too heavy to wave.

But remember that every war has a hero,
And in your war in life, it's got to be you.
Scream it out, “This is MY life!”
Don't settle, don't just sit back and watch it go by.

There will always be another day,
Another battle, another foe,
But the war goes on, don't give in,
Cause until you surrender, you're the victor.

Monday, June 2, 2008

PaD (2) 1: Tapering Reflections

Three months ago....

Feels like an eternity away now.

Not even a full percent of my time alive,

Yet it was easily an entire lifetime ago.

Back then...

I was single,

I was just starting to write,

I was still trying to figure life out.


I'm still trying to figure life out, sure,

And I'm still majorly infantile with this that we call “poetry”,

But I am starting to get a grasp on life...

Starting to understand happiness,

Starting to understand love,

Starting to understand...

Why when I sit here to write something goofy,

I write about you instead.


Loooooook, I'm baaaaaaaack....

Missed Me? Aaaawwww You Lie So Well!

So hey again! Yeah, it's been a while... Someone lost the challenge. Their name starts with what happens when you overcook something and ends with what you do in bed. No, I mean when you're sleepy, not THAT. Geez....

Char + Lie = Charlie!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

So yeah, I lost. But I had reeeeeally good reason. Like, the bestest reason ever. "What's her name?" Yeah yeah, shut up. But yeah, her name is Angel! We sooooooo had the best day ever in the history of the universe. Trust me, I don't care if I was at day 364, I'd have given up for it.... Yeah, broken as hell and loving it. Sorry, can't shut up about her, and if you're reading this... Well, that's just your problem, isn't it?

So anyway.... I am starting over again at 1, as of today. In the spirit of it, I wrote about the change over the last three months (April 9th is when I started this, so slightly less than 3 months, but yeah...). I will sooner or later make it a full year straight, but I'd say the 70 or so I made it this last time was pretty dang good too! So welcome back!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Two PaD: Rock On World and Dude Poet

So, o nce more, I messed up. posted Rock On World over on the wrong blog.... Ugh. But here they are!

ROCK ON WORLD (from 5/23)

When you hear “Rock”,

You probably think of awesome music.

Or perhaps even actual rocks... Boulders?

And if you were to hit up the dictionary,

You may also think of rock candy, rocking in a chair, diamonds or crack.

But what Rock really is....

It's not just music, or bands;

It's not just drugs, gemstones or chillin' in a rocking chair,

And it's CERTAINLY not just mineral matter or candy.

Rock is a way of life!

Anyone can live life, rockers kick life's ass.

Go above and beyond, have confidence!

Show your skills at every given opportunity;

It's not just music, but anything at all.

Even an accountant can rock those digits, balance that ledger!

Programmers too: debug that bitch, gotta love a big back end, right?

Custodial engineers can twirl those mops, cock that cleaner like you mean it!

Burger flipper? Bun catch, mid air, bad ass!

Chauffeur?? Dude, I don't need to say a word....

So come on, fellow humanity,

Let's not leave the rockin' to the bands alone,

Rock every day of your life, make it your own!


DUDE POET (5/24)

Yep, this is a poem,

Yeah, that'll show em.

Cause I'm a dude but I write it still,

Always have, and always will.

No wait... I haven't always, I lied,

I'm still very new, not that I can hide

My newnicity at writing random crap

Upon this laptop, which is on my lap.

But back to my point, so yeah I'm a dude,

Who writes every day about my current mood,

And I even have feelings, just imagine that!

A guy who shows emotion? What's all the commotion?

No, genitalia does not overpower emotion!

So I'll write and write and write some more,

And since writing can be anything, I swear I'll never be bore...d.

That's the end, there is nothing else left in store,

And it's not like the movies where after the credits there may be more,

It's just a poem, and it's not like I used invisible ink,

Although if you read it backwards, it has something about Satan, I think.

Oh, and if you play the Wizard of Oz and read it along

The words match the movie perfectly, even all the songs!

So..... Yeah.....

Damn rhyme scheme.... Baaaah?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life is Hard

My life is so difficult,
Always is, always will be.
But you know what's odd?
It's my own fault.
Like, R-E-A-L-L-Y!!
See, I always challenge myself.
I always want to be
More awesome,
So I push myself,
And when I get good at that,
I push harder yet.
And ya know what?
I wouldn't have it any other way,
Because flair is how I rock it!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Right Angle (PaD)

We met on the grid paper of life,
And I must thank whoever it was with the pencil,
Who drew our lines to form this right angle.

Oh, right angle, love personified.
Well okay, an angle isn't a person but you know what I mean.
Just read on, and I'll show you how.

Our coordinates began at such distant points,
Where we never imagined one day we'd intersect,
Let alone sustained at that perfect ninety degrees forever.

We are each our own lines;
Still free to be our own lines and grow onward,
Yet always joined together at a right angle.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

rock on!

Rock is quickfire guitar solos,
Heavy bass and a loud, crazy singer
With 400 drum beats a minute.

Rock is music about rebellion,
About life and death and the tribulations between.
All set to the most energetic background.

But rock isn't confined to cds,
To six strings, or four, or a microphone,
Pedals, crashes or drum pads alone.

No, rock is a way of life,
It's confidence, individuality, enthusiasm and flair,
So go, dude, and rock this life!

Monday, May 19, 2008

i hate you (PaD)

oh how I hate you,
I really hope you know that....
we always end up arguing,
and you nearly always win.

I hate you so much,
but you feel soooooo good.
who am I kidding?
I hate you, but I need you.
always have, always will
no matter how I may want to be rid of you.

I so do hate you,sleepiness.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

PaD ??+4(??): Achickensayswhat?

I lay here well past the witching hour
On the phone with my love, my greatest delight.
"I've talked enough, why don't you tell me a story now?"
My reply to you? "hmmmm...
So.... Yeah...
I don't know of any good ones."

It was then, that without warning,
She woke up and, as though it were morning
"make one up, daddy," she said with a yawn
And we laughed so damn hard... Dude, you'd have heard it on the lawn.

So I scratched at my chin and thought, thought, thought
But she killed all that with just a..... BAWK!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

PaD ??+2: Understatement

how is it that after hurting me so many times,
you find no trouble topping yourself?
this time cuts deep, strikes true...
I bleed and bleed, I can't hide it.

I want to like you, to respect you,
but instead you find no trouble
making "bitch" the understatement of the day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

pad ??+1 - beer is pee

tonight had more internet probs, plus was attacked by a opossum (yes that's right, silent o so it's "a"!). here is my new poem then, inspired by "Beer" by Psychostick!


Beer is pee! Beer is pee!
Why is it so hard to see?
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck,
Then it is one, good sir! So yes, beer does suck.
Yet we drink it, we drink it, and revel in bile,
But hey, at least we get buzzed after a while.

Sure, sure, after a while you say,
But that's like 42 beers, then you pee all day.
Imagine that, drink pee then pee it, oh the irony,
You pee what you drink, I henceforth decree!

But, oh crap, that must then mean
That I pee soda, nothing fouler I've ever seen!
Just forget all that, and heed these words...
Beer tastes like pee, no matter what you've heard.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

pad ??: One Sound to Rule Them All

so internet is all messed up.. dunno what # I'm on lol. but here's the poem! will fix this later...


A sound that rules all,
Soothing, enticing, pure joy...
What's the sound? Mmmmmmhmmmm...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

PaD 67/365: I'm All In

My poker strategy was always to be guarded.

Sure, that works great when your hand is crap,

But when you've got a great one, it can ruin it...

Bet too little and when you destroy everyone else

You just end up with a few extra nickels.

But not this time...

I know what cards I've got in my hand,

It doesn't even matter what you've got.

What I've got, even a royal flush can't beat,

That's right, even with spades, you can't beat it.

So here are all my chips, every last one.

You're so going down.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

PaD 66/365: Pandora's Dam

How do I begin?

Like an impossible math equasion with a dozen unknowns,

Or a rough day,

Or even this very poem....

Beginning is definitely the hardest part.

But once started,

Like all that junk up in the first part,

Once it's begun,

The floodgates are opened...

Congrats, dumbass, Pandora's Dam has been broken down!

Once opened,

I'm not gonna stop unleashing the words

Not gonna happen,

You're soooo in for it now...

Honesty, relentless honesty.... Meet the dam opener.

The water has settled,

Words being evaporated back into the clouds

You made it,

I so knew that you could...

This could be the start of something great!

Monday, May 12, 2008

PaD 65/365: Are You Still There?

"Sad but true" perhaps sums this one up?



Oh hi there!

Yes, my day is great, or at least it is now...

So, how have ya been?


Aaaawwwwww how sweet!

I really feel the same way too...

Really, I do!!

..... Hello?

Crap! Still there? I fell asleep.

Dang, no wonder you're gone, I slept for six hours!

I... I just didn't want to ever say good-bye...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

PaD 64/365: The Pirate and I

So... This one was a great challenge because I used 44 rhymes, with EVERY line rhyming with every other and not repeating a single one (except the title and one line). Gotta love!!!!!


I sit here, staring at the sky:

Cold, rainy, bitter, grey, just... awry.

The sun has gone, without so much as a “goodbye...”

Then, down I did decide to lie,

Into my randomly found crystal ball I did scry

(Did I not mention my powers of psi?)

A pirate, eyepatch ever present, who most angrily said “aye!”

I sat up, and in my shaky voice, most shy,

Gathered the courage to simply say.... “hi?”

He said he was one who had to euphemistically fry

For the mutiny upon the H.M.S. Bounty, captained by William Bligh.

He angrily walked over and grabbed my pie,

Followed by my loaf of bread... I think it was rye?

With his huge hands, like a crowbar he did pry.

Speaking of, I sure couldn't deny,

That this dude was huge, just check out that thigh!

T'was bigger than 15 times, in inches, the value of pi.

He opened his mouth and in a voice most sly,

Said, “Argh! With my brass telescope, I did spy,

A young man, upon other's opinions he did rely,

And I just simply refuse to understand why.

So I ensured that my sails were thoroughly tied,

Came here, jumped off my boat with a call of 'bonsai!'

To find you here, and your beliefs I must belie.

You see, in the cargo hold of your soul you do supply

Unlimited joy and smiles. So yarr! My lessons you must apply!

So then, scurvy dog, why not give this day a retry?”

It was then that I had to reply...

So I stood up and with a sigh

Screamed out, “Look here, rainy day in July,

The only one who can ruin this day is I!

I'm sorry to say that, although you did try,

I don't care if I'm never again dry,

You will never, ever get my

Day; I'll let my spirits fly,

And only in joy shall I ever cry,

Because my love and happiness you just can't buy.”

It's all thanks to you, my head is held high.

You, who sees me in pain and gives me this smile most cutely wry,

You showed me that while darkness is nigh,

There's always a gleam of light to help me defy;

That “the sun cannot possibly die

Unless you give up hope on it, guy.”

Oh, and I also had help from the pirate with one eye.

PaD 62 and 63/365: Just One More and I'm Supposed to Hate You

Okay, so once more this post didn't go through. I have NO idea how, since I actually sent it via MMS on my phone!!! DOH!!!! So here are both. 62 needs no introduction, 63 is about mom for mother's day :)

62: Just One More


Come on...

Just one more?

I can stop anytime,

You know I can!

But... While we're on it...

Can I borrow a few bucks?

Yeah? I need, like, $50.

YES, $50!

You know I'm good for it, right?

Dude, come on!

Oh, thank you so much!

Intervention... I knew it was coming,

But I don't want to stop,

I can't stop, I just can't!

I just need my fix too badly...

Oh wait, you don't want me to stop?

You just want me to get an unlimited plan?

Unlimited text and minutes,

So I don't have to worry about prepaid cards?

Oh, you DO love me!


63: I'm Supposed to Hate You

There were three main things I learned in school:

1) Homework is for suckers and suck-ups

2) Everything I needed to learn, I sure didn't learn here

3) Parents suck

Well... I don't know if you remember...

There was one day I left school,

I got to the car, closed it with a slam.

Gave you a look in the eye and said:

You know, most kids hate their parents,

Most kids' parents suck,

But you don't, so thanks.”

And you know what?

You still don't suck, mom.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

PaD 61/365: The Truth Comes Out

Oh OpenOffice... We meet again.

Tomorrow makes exactly two months

That I have visited you daily.

In that time, we've made sweet sweet love

Over 80 times... And oh, the babies we've had!

Some were ugly, sure, and others premature,

But some were so precious, so wonderful...

Yet others are just like this one right here.

What do I mean by that, you ask?

Well, for our wonderful children

We make sweet, sweet love...

Tender, affectionate, take our time...

These types are more the type

Where you have a headache

And it just happens to be an anniversary

So it just has to happen is all...

So, OpenOffice,

I write to you today...

Without anything truly to say.

But perhaps simply saying I have nothing to say

Is, in itself, poetry in some way?

Meh. Your call, reader man. Choose wisely.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

PaD 60.5: Us... Realistically

I'm sorry, but I refuse to make you promises...

... Of never ending love

... Of lifelong dedication

... Of being yours and yours alone

... Of unconditional love at all

... Of never wanting to be without you

(Seriously, we all need alone time sometimes!)

But if you know me as you say you do,

You'd know just how much it means for me to say...

... I always respond to you first, be it return calls, texts, emails or Ims

... I smile any time I see or hear from you

... I am NEVER bored with you

... When I think of the future, you're always in it somehow

... Our inside jokes are a constant source of joy

And yeah, this may not be the most romantic thing to say,

And sure, they might not be the words you so long to hear,

But they are true, and they come from deep within...

What I'm trying to say is this:

I think I could be happy with you.

PaD 60/365: Sapphic (semi-explicit)

60th PaD??? DANG! About 1/6 of the way there, wow that's scary! So... I had this write done as an explanation of why men love lesbians... As such, I took a woman's point of view, as to use a man's would be insulting to the subject matter to some extent at least.



What a party it is, we both laugh in glee,

With so many hilarious, dumbass people to see:

Some guys hit on the ladies, failing miserably,

While other folks throw up; gross, don't you agree?

And oh my God, just check out Marie,

She's flashing half the room, a slut I decree!

The inevitable time comes, time for truth or dare,

I just shrug my shoulders, “Yeah I'll play, I don't care.”

We each sit in the circle, I in a nice, comfy chair,

Legs crossed, though, don't want to show my underwear.

Predictable dares, lame truths... This has got to go somewhere!

Upon my turn I choose dare and get: “For 5 seconds, kiss Claire.”

God, what a surprise, such an obvious cliché...

I laugh and refuse, “No way” is what I say,

Either fail the dare, chicken, or do it without delay.”

I inch closer, nerves on end, grossed out cause I'm not gay,

But I am no chicken, so I dare not say “nay.”

Inching closer, I learn toward her and much to my dismay...

My lips meet hers... Soft... Sweet.

Repulsion giving way to curiosity...

Tick... tick... eyes closing, sigh...

His voice a distant echo as our lips part,

Her eyes glow... Lovely sapphire.

Is she smiling at me?

Time's up, well done ladies,” he says with a smile

While Claire and I part, after far too short a while...

My first girl kiss having been a glorious trial,

Formerly just some asshole, now I guess I'll have to thank Kyle...

The party ends shortly after when it starts to get hostile,

Claire comes up to me: “Walk me home? It's only a mile.”

Her ride had left early without even a word

And she was scared to walk alone, so to her house we spurred.

You know, Claire, this may sound absurd,

Especially since I am just a shy nerd,

But to me, it had simply never occurred

That a girl's kiss could be something I preferred.”

It's not absurd at all, and I shall never debate

That our kiss was anything shy of great.

I'd always wanted to, but I had feared your hate,

For while I am gay, I knew you to be straight.

We have been friends so long, perhaps it was fate,

For I have, for a while, considered you my soul mate...”

Her blush, the most beautiful shade of crimson...

Soft smile... So gorgeous... So...

Thought broken as her lips find mine once more,

But now, not ashamed... Giving in fully.

Oh Claire,” I sigh... Heaven fulfilled...

She is quickly pushed against her own door,

My lips upon every inch of the swells and curves of her face...

So sweet... So soft... So lovely... So... Claire...

Driven on by her moans, “Oh Sarah!”

Her door quickly unlocked, stumbling inside

Taken by the hand, her soft fingers and giggles my guide...

We're to her room in just moments, but to me

Those few moments lasted easily an eternity.

Any other time I'd object to such haste,

But tonight... God, there's no time to waste!

Immediately we're on each other again,

Her lips now pressed into mine...

Forceful, yet that tenderness remains...

Red lipstick leaving it's crimson marks upon pale flesh

I need more!

Pushing her onto the bed,

Stripping one another forcefully,

A sea of hands all powerful...

Buttons flying,

Clothes dropping,

Hands roaming,



One dare, one silly, cliched dare... What a start...

Turned to living, breathing, passionate art.

PaD 59/365: Goodbye....


I hate to see you go,

Although I know you must.


You felt like a major part of me,

But no longer.


You're gone now,

And I like it...

Goodbye hair.

Monday, May 5, 2008

PaD 58/365: Poetic License

You are so great,

You really are;

The problem is,

Words only go so far.

So it's lucky, I'd say,

That right in my wallet

I carry what's called my Poetic License,

Something every poet must get!

It may not be a license to kill,

But it's a license to create,

It's a license to rhyme,

A license to write sing-songy debate.

I got this license for you, you see,

For often the words only exist in my head.

You make me wanna make shit up,”

Is what a wise Angel once said.

So before I continue, here's my license,

Along with two forms of ID,

I've got my electric bill with current address

And a birth certificate, all to prove I'm me.

You are fantabulousness, uber-exceptionalism,

Awesometastic to the extreme, rocker of all you do,

Beautifulnicity, super delicious individualisticness,

You are.... The one word I didn't make up: YOU.

PaD 57/365: Symbiosis

I latch onto you,

Sucking out the good,

Sucking out what I want

And giving you my own.

But I'm not taking,

I'm merely copying.

Now we each share the good

We have each come across before.

It's not just us, though...

I stand amidst many.

Latching, sucking, giving, recycling...

Allowing the weaker parts to wither and die.

Darwinism of personality.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

PaD 56/365: The Cave

Argh at the internet sometimes!!! So I wasn't able to post this last night (two times out of three that I didn't actually post it on the right day?? ARGH!).

So here it is!


I know this must end sometime,

Yet this darkness...

Who knew it could hurt so much.

It's just light, right?

I've been down here so long

You'd think I would be used to it,

No longer longing for the glow of light...

To see color once more...

To feel a breeze...

Smell grass...

NO! I will make it,

I WILL escape.

The light of my torch dances,

I'm scared of my own shadow these days.

I swear the walls are getting smaller too,

Fingertips trailing every bump,

Callused, raw from the journey,

Not unlike my feet.

How long has it been?

I want out,

But I don't even think there IS an exit anymore.

Is it possible when I wandered in,

Walking deeper, deeper, deeper

That the exit vanished behind me?

Sitting upon the floor,

Giving up again.


No... No way out.

I am resigned to this forever.

But it's not that bad, right?

Make the best of it...

And right as I think those thoughts

My torch dies.

My only friend here,

Through all these months...

Although I suppose I should be happy it lasted this long...

Oh darkness, I greet you wi...


My torch has gone out, yet...


Hardly even noticable, yet...

A speck of light, I see it.

Like a broken pixel,

So minute,

If not here so long, I'd have not even noticed...

But light means...

Can it be?

An actual way out of here?

Feet beat the ground,

I fall, bruised, battered,

I don't care now...

I will get to that light.

Friday, May 2, 2008

PaD 54 AND 55/365

Oops.... I thought I had published the post, but apparently I saved it as a draft by mistake instead. So I'll post both of them today. For those who don't trust that I wrote it yesterday, you can find it over at!!!


PaD 54: Exile: Phonetically!

I've come to this door every day,

EVERY day for years.

Yet when I stuck my key inside...

Click... wiggle wiggle... wiggle wiggle...



Oh, right...

We changed the locks.


Click.... CLICK. YES!


Turning the knob.... Yet it doesn't go.



No wait, this is the age of the cell phone.

What crazy music is on her cell?

[To the tune of Mozart's “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”]


It's me,

Someone is calling now!


You should

Answer me and talk.

Or else

This person miiight think

That you don't liiiike them

And leave a bad message




Yeah, I can't get in the door.


She changed the other lock too.

And my stuff is outside in one of those huge tupperware things...

Well Craaaaapppp...



PaD 55: The Ghost of You

The Ghost of You

I know YOU're there.

Yeah YOU.


Who makes my fingers use YOUR word


When I was going to use MY word,



Who somehow

Simultaneously | Simultaneously

Makes ME feel

More | Less

Lonely with my

Joy in | Desire for


But, who are


Ah, but I know...

YOU are not

One person,

One love,


YOU are not even multiple people:

No harem,

No party,


No, YOU are much more.

YOU are pure essence

Like corked champagne,

Its cork bursting, flying free

YOU pour


YOU are memories, longing, recollection.

YOU are soft caresses, cuddles, tenderness.

YOU are rockin' music, speeding down the highway, teary-eyed laughter.

But really,

It doesn't matter WHO YOU ARE,