Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

PaD 13.33: My Angels

This was going to be included in the first poem, but I felt it deserved its own. This is more avant garde, no particular rhyme or flow! The lines just go where they felt like they should.

Follow them
And enjoy.



I write this for those who have shaped my life,
For those who are all forever in my heart.
Two plus two = four, I learned that long ago,
But in this case, two plus one plus one plus one plus one = one.

The Angels of Youth
Mom and Dad were my very first angels.
As a kid, you never see that.
The best mix of all personalities came from them.
My humor,
My intelligence,
My optimism,
My... Me.
And you are still there for me.
And I know you always will be.

The Angel of Coincidental Birth
An angel unnoticed for so long.
Marcella Marie Jackson.
I tried to strangle you with my socks.
I banged your face into a water fountain.
I annoyed you and your friends.
I got Zoe to dislike you.
You... I don't remember any bad stuff you did.
Then I moved away and we got closer.
Now I know you, too, will always be there.

The Angel of Growth
So I was nothing.
I was 17, an empty vessel.
My life involved a computer, a tv with games, a desk and walks to the fridge.
Then I found you, Gwennie.
And I imprisoned you in a cage so you couldn't run when I told you how I felt.
Not literally of course, but online, inside asterisks.
We have gone through so much together,
And while we are in different places now,
I hope to always be there for you,
And hope you are for me too.

The Digital Angel
The newest angel of all is one from my past.
Well, from Marcy's past.
You've helped me through my most recent troubles.
And challenged me to find the real me.
You tell me to remember my angels and speak with them.
But I do, every day, by text.
It would be a cold day in hell
When I'm without your aid.
I plead for you to always be there for me,
But even more importantly,
Never stop being you,

The Secret Angel
The greatest of all, hands down.
Chaz. No wait, never Chaz, no thanks.
I am me, and always will be.
I have to remember that I am my own angel too.
I have to push myself, to encourage myself.
I have to believe in me.
I have to see it through to the end.
My angels are here to inspire, to help,
But ultimately my life is what I make of it.
Secret Angel,
I beg you,
I plead you,
Never stop being here for me.


O_o said... growth! You are completely sweet; I've got honorable mention. I WILL stay me and never stop.
But of course, you are dead on when it comes to you and your secret angel.


Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Thank you! And even moreso on the staying you of course, not that I would think anything otherwise would happen. And of course you do, you, like them, will always be a part of me!