Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

So.... then Segue to "Why Can't Life be Like Video Games?"

Well, it's 4am, and I feel obligated to pay a visit to my precious blog here. It's been one hell of a day, what with fighting over huge deliveries and all, combined with the fact that my car took forever to start, and it seems it'll need a new starter.

So... How about those local sports teams, huh? Yeah, they can sure play... their respective sports better than their competitors! And the weather! So gorgeous out!

Okay, gotta find a deep statement and follow it up with a long rant from on top of a soapbox. Errr... Wow, I dozed off a second there!

Let's pick a silly topic, since I'm in a silly mood, and anyone who'd happen to wander over here would think I'm some serious, dull dood (shout out to Wanda for the "proper" spelling of that!). OH I have the perfect thing! The following is the (only partially edited) first of my "game related articles" I was writing for my website. Only two were ever written, but maybe I'll do more!

Why Can’t Life Be Like Video Games?: Death is Never Final

Wouldn't life be great if every time someone was in a horrible accident or died a tragic death, they'd come right back to life? So many video games allow the hero(ine) to come back at least a few times, and the only time people really die is from old age or a really horrible curse (unless it's an NPC, of course, they die quite easily). Sounds sweet, right?

Well, imagine if everyone could go around, knowing that if they died, they'd come right back. If people act like jackasses now, imagine jackasses that could die, laugh it off and go on like it was nothing!

That's not the half of it, either. Most games require some type of loss upon revival; games like Dragon Warrior take half the player's gold, and Neverwinter Nights takes some gold and experience. On top of that, nearly every game requires the player be sent back to a checkpoint of sorts; imagine a family on vacation and one of them dies, only to be revived back at home thousands of miles away.

And where does that money and experience go? In some games, a cleric or healer takes the money as a "donation,” in others it just vanishes somewhere. So fine - one day the church is charging $50, the next it's a few thousand. As for the vanishing gold and experience, I'd bet anything that's going to the government - that's hard earned money and experience - which is a term for experiences and knowledge! - going directly to some government. Plus, with some republicans in office, there'd suddenly be a "resurrection tax" so high that only the rich could afford it. Great - now only rich jerks can afford resurrection; not only can they buy their way out of prison, now they won't even die! Maybe it's best that life isn't like video games, at least as far as getting back out of death is concerned.

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