Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Friday, March 21, 2008

THREE Poems Today!

Today was all about lessons. Someone told me that one's car is an extention of oneself, and that if it is broken, most likely the driver is also. Someone else told me that our emotions are an incredible force, and when we feel different ways, we push that onto everything in our world. Either way, there were lessons to learn.

1) Don't be gluttonous. The car had started slightly failing but still being sturdy, and I went out and spent like $60 on crap - music, my websites, snacks, etc. So thereby, avoid gluttony and keep priorities straight, too.

2) Cockiness can be bad. Yeah, I know, right? Who would have known? I had always lived by the thought that "it'll be fine, it all works out somehow." I never realized just how much work others had to put in to MAKE it so that it'll work out. Be an active participant in life!

3) Life is more than failures. On our tightrope walk through life, we cannot appreciate the strength of our net until it saves us when we fall, but we cannot get back to walking unless WE pull OURSELVES back up that ladder, take a deep breath and get back at it. Yeah, you can quote me on that, I like it!

So anyway, the prose is about my experience today. But it's not about the hell I went through (although it was all self-caused, since mom was the one who got me the money and all, it was just nerves and still is some), it's about the revelations. This also marks a rather major change in my style, in that they are much more serious, and the third one even uses some fancy words! *Shudders* I know... But change is good, yes? Gotta stop rhyming 'too' with 'you' and 'for' with 'more' some day, right?

The first poem, To All the Angels, is a heralding (haha get it?) call for everyone to appreciate those in their lives who are their own personal angels. It's like that song.... "Your own.... personal... Jesus" except less blasphemous, which is weird for me to be LESS blasphemous than something...

The second poem was going to be included in the first, as I'd done before, but it really deserved its own room to fly. It's also funkier! Go funk! "We're the renegades of funk, the renegades of funk..."

And the third is 100% seriousness!!! I drew on my own experience for the being in the rain, having knocked on many a customer's door in pouring rain, and having dogs chase me one of those times. One of the scariest things I've experienced.


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