Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

PaD 4/365: TWO POEMS!

So, I said that the website would be done today or else I'd post two per day for a week. Well, it didn't quite happen: is HALF up. So, I'm honoring my promise of two, and as such, here are both of them!

The first one is in honor of pretty much my favorite past time: Replying to Myspace bulletin-surveys! It DOES rhyme, because I couldn't resist, but the word flow is meant to fluctuate. Of course, for those who don't know, first comes the question, then the original answer. The ---- is a reply to the original answer, and then the ~~~~~ is a reply to the reply of the original answer. This can go on for god knows how long! Of course, not ALL answers need to be replied to, so questions are deleted inbetween.

The second I won't even go into it as it's entirely self-explanatory.


POEM ONE: Ode to the Myspace Bulletin-Survey

1. Why are you doing this?
The great Wandaliciousness did it first, so I couldn't resist.
---- Better look out then there will be more.
~~~~~ I sure hope so, I'm such a bulletin whore!

2. Is anyone thinking of you?
I doubt it, but I know someone I'd hope would make that untrue.
---- Oh yeah? For whom do you wish?
~~~~~~ I'm going to have to plead the fifth on this.

5. What does your last text message say?
“Good morning, angel”; it made my day.
---- You're welcome then
~~~~~~ It makes me smile again and again

11. What color is your fav?
Orange-brown. It's such a rave!
--- Haha you finally got that now?
~~~~~~ Sure did, and how!

214. In what place were you born and grown?
That'd have to be Illinois. To be specific, Chicago.
------- Chicago! Don't you miss it?
~~~~~~~~~ Sure do! If wishing I was there would bring me back, I'd wish it!

812 and 2/3. How'd you like this survey?
It was good, although obviously long. What I like more is messaging about it afterward, yay!
---- Then I guess I'll have to post more of these.
~~~~~~ That would be awesome, yes please!



Addictive. Addiction personified, even.

Blanket Whore, just can't get enough blankets!

Chanel Raspberry Chocolate. Never was there a sweeter, sexier, more wonderful woman.

Dramione. I've gotta fit that into a day!

Evil. She most certainly is! Her evil level is so great, it's nearing the sun.

Fascinating bitch, and it's not just her that says so.

Green froggy, this monkee luffs thee.

Hero. Me? No greater honor could ever be bestowed.

Ice cubes. I'm gonna need to munch on a few.

Japan, by boat or ferry. Let's go!

Kiss Proof? I think not!

Linkin Park – she's coming with next time!

Mother; A fabulous one at that!

Number 47 needs to cut down on the killing long enough to get some! Maybe then he wouldn't kill so much...

Orange brown. Without her, it'd just be orange... And that'd suck.

Pizza, cold please!

Q-Tip. An important part in the lessons on showering.

Reality show hero! What would it take to get her on the next Big Brother, anyway?

Sounds like she's sending another song... And what a surprise, it's AWESOME!

Toe Socks! They make not only the greatest footwear, they even work as an exclamation!

Under no circumstance is she allowed to leave her Chuck Connector behind!

Vexed? She's an AWESOME bitching post!

Wandaliciousness. Enough said

Xylophone player in our band, perhaps?

Yummy; her food always is, because she's a major foodie and great chef!

Zero: If you ever feel like one, she'll fix that fast


O_o said...

ode to buletin surveys! it was great!

and I LURVE the one about rocked. Its going in the poetry box!

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

WOOHOO!!!! *bows* I swear, if I'm not slightly tipsy and dead tired, my creativity is null... although writing in the shower works too! Thank you :)