Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Friday, March 7, 2008

TWO (Sorta THREE) Days Later!!

I'm so sorry blogger, please don't hate me. I know I missed you Thursday, and technically Friday since it is now 12:30am, but that means that in the majority of the US it's still Friday, so... Hmmm.... semi-on-topic thought: Military time, is 12:30am 24:30 or 00:30? I'd probably guess 00:30, but 12+12 = 24, not 0.

Anyway, gee what to blog about now? Well, in the past three days (counting today as Friday!), I've written a major poem, a shorter poem (but easily the greatest poem to ever hit the poetry world) and even a song! Unfortunately, I can't sing worth a damn and cannot play a single instrument, so it's just words... But it should be a song, it's written to be one! Anyway, it just feels so weird, since I'm supposed to be a game developer, to be WRITING instead. And POETRY??? Come on! Stories maybe, but poems??? But it makes me happy!! We all know who to thank for that!

So, speaking of what I SHOULD or SHOULDN'T be, why are my emotions going haywire? I'm SUPPOSED to be cool and collected. Hell, during the Gwen Era (late 1999-early 2008) I WAS entirely cool and collected. Nothing ticked me off, nothing got me impassioned, nothing made me extremely joyous (well, maybe Rock Band...). Ever since then though, I've had all sorts of emotion! I've had the softer emotions (I've blogged the hell out of them, yes), but more recently I've found joy and anger much more strongly as well, and much more easily. The joy is becoming so strong it's like a drug - I sometimes worry, you know, that it'll just get up and leave one day for some random reason. Maybe karma. But the anger, too, as I said. I have gotten SO angry. Anger never used to last more than about 20 seconds, perhaps because of my cold interior (my exterior was always humorous and flirty, thank you very much!), but these days it takes some good deep breathing and thinking about good thoughts to get through it.


And to close, I happened to be watching Jimmy Kimmel Live, and remembered that I had forgotten to watch the "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck" side of things, so I checked it out. Funny stuff!!!! Goodness LOL. And they even got Josh Groban? Damn, that guy has a POWERFUL voice, doesn't he??? That guy could sing "pop goes the weasel" and I think he could STILL make people cry! Anyway, so ends another post. I hope you enjoyed! I live to please!


O_o said...

hint* blogger doesn't care how often you use it...just as long as you use it!

yay for writing!

yay for emotions and FEELING them!

lol yes...I think that jimmy's response WAY out did sarash's original. But hers was the original. didn't matt's voice sound creepy as he was semi-shouting "on the bed, on the floor..."?

Wanda Mae

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Well sure, I love my blogger, because it lets me straighten out my thoughts and get them out there to see... Pretty much just by you, but that's fine by me!!

And LOL Yes, emotions and writing are good... Writing is inspired by emotion, and emotions are caused and influenced by writing!

HAHAHA yes his voice DID go weird, but that's what I loved so much about it!! That and how she looks at him all crazy as he does it. Sarah Silverman is so facially expressive, I LOVE expressive people!! But yeah, Jimmy's response did kick her original's ass! I never knew Jimmy Kimmel was funny, since the Man Show seemed so cheesy, but he is funny!!! Plus he plays my "secure in my masculinity so I'll go ahead and joke about ANYTHING' style :)