Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

To check out my profile, click here.

Or to simply make a donation, click here. Thank you so much!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Prose a Day (PaD) 2/365: Bitching Post

Tonight's (LATE) prose is actually a song!!! If only I could sing, or play instruments, I'd actually PLAY it, but until then, here it is in lyric form. This is the second dedicated to my muse, although today my total rage had a lot to do with

Without further hesitation (I am WAAAY too sleepy to go on and on this time), I give you....


Life hands me lemons, I make lemonade,
That's all well and good when life's all cliched.
But what am I to make with this crap I've received?
Doing good, receiving bad, feeling so deceived.

Day starts with my alarm, already I'm nauseous,
Tripping, stumbling, self-inflicted pain no matter how cautious.
Go to drive home but now I can't start my car,
“Alright, day,” I say, “you've gone too damn far!”

While normally I come across
Cool, calm, silly, full of glee,
You know it wouldn't take much
For you to be able to see
That deep down inside there's a rage
bubbling, rumbling, set it free!

But there is one thing that cages it inside,
My one special person with whom to confide.

She's my bitching post, my bitching post,
Always right there when I need her the most.
She's my bitching post, my bitching post,
Like a therapist to the soul, I'm totally engrossed.

So when I'm overwhelmed, when life's turned to shit,
When the flame under my ass can't be further lit,
I rely upon my Bitching Post to set it all straight
To alleviate my pain and all of my hate.

She listens to any crap that I sling at her,
Listens to me bitch and moan and bicker.
She calms me down as my rage continues to seethe,
As she reassures me that I just need to breathe.

[Slow instrumental]
Breathe..... Breathe...... Breathe..... Breathe....
Breathe.... Breathe..... Breathe.... BREATHE!!!!!!
[Heavy instrumental]

REPEAT CHROUS (identical)

Like a verbal punching bag, she's cleared me of stress,
Changing me from my former huffing, groaning mess.
Like a breath of fresh air, like cool water to the face,
I've left the darkness for a much brighter place.

Now that I've released, I can once again see
Happiness doesn't come on it's own, it's up to me.
That it's up to us to find our own joy,
And that's something we can't let sadness destroy.

REPEAT CHROUS (identical)

She's my bitching post....
My bitching post....
Always there when I need her most....
Bitching poooooossssstttttt......


O_o said...

that was awesome! not all the crap, of course...because that's....crap.

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Thanks! And LOL understood on the craptasticness. Glad you enjoyed! Gimme about four months and I can put music to it :)

O_o said...

4 months starting now!

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

Oh great, another challenge LOL... well, bring it on then!