Relay for Life: Join SAGTA and Help Change the World!

Relay for Life is an event the American Cancer Society holds, in which we try to raise money to fight cancer. I have joined my Muse's team: Super Awesome Game Team Alpha, or SAGTA. It is my mission to help raise as much money as possible for it, so please help me, help us, help anyone who has or will have cancer! All Adsense links on this page and my website (Prose a Day) from now until August will go toward it, in addition to any donations you may make!

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

PaD 5.5/365: A Day in the Life of Chuck

Okay, this one takes VERY little intro, since the poem actually has a built in intro!! It could probably also be called "Charlie Gets Carried Away with Random Rhymes", "Charlie Has too Much Fun Being the Active Narrator" or "The Dangers of Writing Tipsy"



Welcome, you must be bored
To come and see how my day goes
But hey, I'm an open book,
So whatever.

Yeah, I know that didn't rhyme or flow.
But I'm busy writing a poem for you
I can't be bothered to rhyme
Or flow for any good reason
So hold your horses
And chill

A poem of how goes my day,
Told in hourly form, pretty good I'd say!
It's not that I plan it this way,
It's just how it happens, come what may.
I hope you're enjoying this poetry foreplay,
Which, at 1:19, is technically on Friday,
Hope you've enjoyed my rhyme array!
If you did, throw up yo hands and say HEY!
So without further delay....


I wake up, bitch at the alarm,
Check my phone, the texting begins.
Who texted first? Wanda or I?
Whoever it was somehow wins!


Still just texting...
It's rather vexing
That despite being awake enough to type on my phone
I don't want to get OUT of bed, all I do is groan.


Fine, I'm up, happy now?
Damn mornings, who invented them anyhow?
Can't whine all day, that's what work is for,
Gotta keep texting and get online to check on Blanket Whore!


What's happened with the day?
Now I've gotta shower, no more delay!
(Errr.... Didn't I do that rhyme in this poem already?
Wait, no getting sidetracked, gotta keep the course steady!)
Hop in the shower, follow Wandaliciousness's list,
It's the best way to make sure no spot to clean is missed.


(Yep, I said 13:00, that's military time,
If you don't like it, go suck a lime!)
Head to work, throw in a CD,
As long as it's ROCKIN', who cares who it be?
Texting the whole way to work while still keeping the road in sight
And I get to work early, or “on the bright.”


Work starts, hip hip hooray!
Err.... it's work, what more is there to say?
Except that, between lifting heavy crap and driving a big truck
I still answer the siren's call of my phone's text dance, missing it would suck!


Didn't I just say I'm at work?
Skip ahead or go back to 13:00, nothing to see here, you big jerk


Time for lunch, go somewhere and get some food,
Arby's? Taco Hell? Chick-Fil-A? Krystals? Depends on the mood.
Oh, and now that I've got time to sit,
I can check for myspace and facebook messages, comments, bulletins and shit!
(I didn't mean I'd shit, as in take a dump,
I meant “and all the rest”, not excrement from my rump)


Yeah so I compressed some time, ya sod,
I can do that! This is MY poem, so I am GOD!
It's all still work anyway, so work and text,
Getting further and further and further vexed.


Back home I go, takes most of this block
To get home and remove shoes and socks.
Eat while on the computer, what a geek,
But it's Google Talk with Wanda that I seek!


The disconnect dance is finally over, damn right,
And it's time to put Elle to bed, turn out her light.
The moment she's tucked in well and good,
Time to get back to my gTalk hood!


Oh boy, I'd better get on PaD, it's getting late!
But what will I write? It's for her, it's GOTTA be great!!!
Overwhelmed by failing to find something special enough for her, from me,
And now, at the end of this here hour, it's time for Scrubs, wheeeeeee!


gTalkin still


Wait, is it 24:00 or 00:00? I'm confuzzled!
I think the system has me bamboozled!
But by now I'm lost in gTalk, wine and PaD,
I hope it turns out to be super rad!


Finishing up PaD, excited to see what she might say,
No matter what it may be, it always makes my day,
And right around now is when she will say,
“I'm headed to bed, good night, angel”, so I too sleep til the next day.
(Which yes, I know, I must say,
It is technically the same day.
And yes, I also used the word “say”
To rhyme, four times now, with the word “day”.)

So, you've seen a glimpse into what I normally do,
And I know it may seem repetitive to you,
But you don't fix what ain't broke, and CERTAINLY what works damn well,
So if you don't like it, then you can just go to..... Taco Bell.


O_o said...

ha ha ha! I LURVE IT! its funny and an insight into you!

Charlie/Chuck Jackson said...

WOOHOO!!!!! LOL anything that starts with "ha ha ha" and includes "luff", "lurve" or "lub" is perfect! Thank you! :)